Union 6th & 7th Grade Center, Room 1305
Purdue Team, 7th Grade Math & Pre-Algebra
PHONE: 918.357.8005
E-MAIL: carrillo.codie@unionps.org
BLOG: www.MrsCarrillosMathClass.blogspot.com
Dear Parents & Students:
Welcome back! It’s going to be a great school year at the 6th & 7th Grade Center. This syllabus includes some very important information for you. Please read through it carefully. If you have questions or would like to set up an appointment with me during my offices hours (2:20-3:30 PM, Mon-Thurs), my phone number and e-mail address are listed above. Also, please utilize our class blog, as I’ll be using this to give you helpful links and information throughout the school year and keep you up-to-date with the latest happenings in our class.
Believe it or not, we use math every day - sometimes without even realizing it! This course is not only important in your academic life, but it is also important in your day-to-day activities and your social life. I hope to provide a positive, unique class experience that you will enjoy. Let’s have a great year!
- Respect your peers, your teacher, and your school.
- Come to class prepared with your materials and a positive attitude.
- Follow directions the first time they are given.
- Be in your seat and working on your daily “bell-ringer” when the bell rings.
- Raise your hand and wait to be called upon before speaking or getting up from your seat.
- Completion on rip-free, loose-leaf notebook paper.
- Proper heading.
- All problems written out and worked in order assigned.
- All work clearly shown.
- All answers circled.
- All work done in PENCIL. (Work in ink will not be graded.)
Please read your agenda thoroughly: basic standards of behavior and Union Pride (p. 4); calendar (p. 5); schedules (p. 6); policies for truancy/zeroes/tardies (p. 9); grading system/grade report calendar (p. 10); make-up work policy (p. 10); late work policy (p. 12); cheating (p. 13); and detention (p. 18).
50% - Exams
o Semester exam totals 10%.
o All other chapter exams total 40%.
50% - Assignments, Participation, Weekly Quizzes
o Students will be graded most days on assignments and participation. All assignments are due the next school day, unless otherwise stated by the teacher. All assignments will be graded and corrected by the student.
o Participation points will be given for “bell-ringers,” “tickets out the door,” and random binder checks. The binder will be used daily to store notes and assignments. Students must bring this binder to class every day and be responsible for maintaining it.
o Weekly quizzes will occur on most Fridays. Problems will be based on the curriculum from that week’s assignments, so students can prepare for these weekly quizzes by studying those graded assignments.
Extra Credit Opportunities
o There will be four opportunities for extra credit during the school year (once per quarter).
Divide your binder into the following sections using five labeled dividers:
1. Important Information (including Syllabus)
2. Notes
3. Study Guides/Handouts
4. Current Assignments
5. Graded Assignments
- completed homework
- math-only binder with five dividers
- ample supply of wide-ruled, loose-leaf paper
- pencil pouch with pencils, small pencil sharpener, and pink eraser
- red pens
** Please have a parent contact me concerning any difficulty purchasing supplies.
Each student is given three emergency hall passes per semester. These are used any time the student needs to leave the room (restroom, locker, etc). At the end of the semester, each un-used pass can be turned in for three points extra credit. After all three emergency passes are used, students are not allowed to leave the room, except in extreme situations as determined by the teacher.
NOTE: I reserve the right to alter the syllabus for this class, if necessary.
Any changes will be fully explained to the students.
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